Wednesday 6 July 2016

Conjunctions in English language

A conjunction joins words or groups of words in a sentence.

There are three types of conjunctions:

1. Coordinating Conjunctions
     (A) Connect words, phrases, or clauses that are independent or equal
     (B) and, but, or, so, for, yet, and not

2. Correlative Conjunctions
      (A) Some conjunctions are used in pairs, they are called correlative conjunctions.
     (B) both/and, either/or, neither/nor, not only/but also, hardly/when, scarcely/when, no sooner/than, no less/than etc.

3. Subordinating Conjunctions
     (A) Used at the beginning of subordinate clauses
    (B) although, after, before, because, how, if, once, since, so that, until, unless, when, while, where, whether, etc.

Conjunctions Examples:
  1. As soon as we reached the station, the train left.
  2. No sooner did he get up to deliver his speech than the hall began to resound with cheers.
  3. We had scarcely reached the school when (before) the ball rang.
  4. He had hardly come out of his house when (before) it started raining.
  5. Unless you ran fast, you will not be able to catch the train.
  6. Please wait for me until I return.
  7. As long as I am here, you need not worry about anything.
  8. Although he is poor, he is honest.
  9. As far as I remember, he was here yesterday.
  10. Get the roof repaired before it begins to leak.
  11. What to speak of standing first, he cannot even pass the examination.
  12. He would rather fail than copy.
  13. No less a person than the state Chief Minister hoisted the National Flag.
  14. He is so ill that he cannot get up from his bed.
  15. He works hard so that he may win a prize.
  16. The higher you climb the colder it is.
  17. Either you or your brother is guilty.
  18. She is too weak to walk.
  19. She is so weak that she cannot walk.
  20. Either you complete this job today or you lose your money.
  21. I study not only English but also French.
  22. Neither Ankit nor his brother plays in this park.

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