Wednesday 24 August 2016

Comprehension Passage Test 06

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below them: 

            A man (on his birthday) sent a box of sweets to somebody who always criticized him. The recipient was amazed at this “Has he actually sent these sweets?” “Yes of course….why are you doubting it?” “But why did he send these sweets to me?” “I am not aware of that…. But he has asked me to convey to you that ‘Please eat these sweets to ensure that you aren’t tired of criticizing me and to replenish your energy levels.” The critic was ashamed of his deeds and he immediately ran to the sender to beg for his forgiveness.


1.) Who was the recipient of the box of sweets?

2.) Why was the recipient surprised to receive the box of sweets?

3.) What reply did the man who had brought the box of sweets give the critic’s question?

4.) What was the reaction of the reply on the critic?

Comprehension Passage Test 05

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below them: 

            Once there was an elephant. Everyday he passed through a bazar to the river. There was a tailor’s shop in the bazar. The tailor always gave him something to eat. He gave him a banana or an orange or sweets. But one day he did not give him anything to eat. He pricked the elephant’s trunk with a needle. The elephant was angry. He went to the river. He filled his trunk with dirty water and returned to the shop. He poured the dirty water in the shop. Everything in the shop was spoiled.


1.) What was the elephant’s usual route to the river?

2.) Why did the elephant stop at the tailor’s shop everyday?

3.) Why did the elephant get angry?

4.) What was the elephant’s reaction to the tailor’s teasing him?

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Conversation between Wife and Husband

Wife: Are you not going to office today?
Husband: Why not? What’s the time?

Wife: Get up. It’s half past seven.
Husband: Oh! Half past seven?

Wife: Make haste otherwise you will miss the bus.
Husband: Right. Who’s in the bathroom?

Wife: Gaurav is there.
Husband: Hurry up, Gaurav. I am getting late.

Wife: By the time Gaurav comes out, you may brush your teeth.
Husband: Oh, Yes. Where’s the toothpaste?

Wife: At the washbasin.
Gaurav: (Coming out of the bathroom) Get in papa.

Father: Well Gaurav, polish my shoes quickly.
Gaurav: Papa, one lace is torn.

Father: Go quickly and get the lace from the nearby shop.
Wife: Hurry up Gaurav, lest your papa will be late. (To her husband) You are careless about yourself.

Husband: Don’t bother me. Listen! My shirt is to be ironed.
Wife: I am cooking. If I do not, you will be late.

Husband: I know, but I can’t help it.
Wife: You will not be embarrassed if you do things in time instead of rushing at the eleventh hour.

Husband: You are right. Where is my tiffin?
Wife: O.K. You better have your breakfast, I will pack your tiffin.

Husband: Wonderful. There are still few minutes left. Let me iron my shirt.
Wife: Leave it. Put on the other one. I have kept it ready.

Conversation with a Student

Guest paid a visit and began to mix up with the child.

Guest: What is your name?
Student: Sanjay Mehta.

Guest: What do you do, Sanjay?
Student: I study, uncle.

Guest: In which class are you?
Student: Seventh.

Guest: In which school do you study?
Student: Delhi Public School.

Guest: How long have you been studying in this school?
Student: For the last two years.

Guest: How far is the school from your house?
Student: Nearly two and a half kilometers.

Guest: When does your school start?
Student: At ten in the morning.

Guest: When do you start from your home?
Student: I don’t go walking.

Guest: Do you go by bus?
Student: Yes, uncle.

Guest: How many students are there in your school?
Student: About nine hundred.

Guest: Which subject do you like the most?
Student: I like history best of all subjects.

Guest: What is your favourite game?
Student: Hockey, uncle.

Guest: What is your hobby?
Student: Stamp collecting.

Guest: Good bye, Sanjay! 

Friday 12 August 2016

Conversation Between Mother and Son

Mother: Why did you get up so early today?
Son: Today I have my paper/exam mummy.

Mother: When will you go?
Son: At nine. What have you cooked today?

Mother: I will cook now. Tell me what you would like?
Son: Any dish which could be prepared quickly. 

Mother: Will Paranthas do?
Son: Paranthas cause constipation.

Mother: The curd is also ready.
Son: No mummy, cook some green leafy vegetable.

Mother: Now you suggest.
Son: Spinach and paneer.

Mother: Right. Anything else?
Son: Some sweet dish too.

Mother: Will you like carrot halwa?
Son: No, it will take long to cook. Kheer will do.

Mother: But the milk is not enough.
Son: Well, leave it. I will have sugar and curd.

Mother: Did you take out your clothes at night?
Son: Yes, I did.

Mother: It’s getting late. You first take a bath.
Son: First of all, shoes are to be polished.

Mother: Did you not do that yesterday?
Son: Yes, I did. Today I have to go to University Campus.

Mother: You’ll just waste time in shoe-polishing.
Son: No, mummy, many friends will meet me today.

Mother: Well, get ready. I go to kitchen.
Son: I have taken bath, mother. Lay the table.

Mother: Table is already laid.
Son: Coming, mummy.

Mother: Did you pray to God?
Son: Yes, mummy.

Mother: Very good. Read the paper carefully. Finish it in time and don’t forget to revise it before handling it to the teacher. 
Son: My good mummy! Bless me. I am going.

Mother: May God help you!

Conversation introducing yourself and others

Question: What is your name?
Answer: My name is Reena.

Question: How old are you?
Answer: I am fourteen years old.

Question: In which class do you study?
Answer: I am in the eleventh class.

Question: Are you a science or a commerce student?
Answer: I am a commerce student.

Question: What is your father?
Answer: He works in a private concern.

Question: What is your mother doing?
Answer: She is a housewife.

Question: How many brothers do you have?
Answer: I have three brothers. They are all elder to me.

Question: How many sisters are you?
Answer: We are two sisters.

Question: When and where do you play?
Answer: I play in the playground in the evening.

Question: Do you have any fast friend too?
Answer: Yes, Riya is my fast friend.

Question: Do you love your family?
Answer: Yes, I do. And I love my society too.

Question: Whom do you love the most?
Answer: I love my motherland the most. Of course, you are an ideal Indian!

Saturday 6 August 2016

Comprehension Passage Test 04

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below them: 

           Dwarka known as dwaramati, is one of the four main holy places of the hindus in India. The other three are Jagganathpuri in the east, Badrikedar in the north and Rameshvaram in the south. Dwarka was the second home of Shri Krishna. In ancient times Dwarka was a big port and the traders these exported goods to the west. It is said that Shri Krishna had settled in Dwarka to help the Yadavas. But the yadavas fought amongst themselves and were ruined. Dwarka was then swallowed up by the sea. Some historians believe that Dwarka was built and rebuilt six times. The present Dwarka is the sixth one. The temple of Dwarka is on the bank of the Gomti. Some say that Shri Krishna’s grandson, Vajranath built the temple. Thousands of pilgrims go to Dwarka for the darshan of the idol of Shri Krishna and to have a dip in the holy river Gomti. They believe that a pilgrimage to Dwarka once in lifetime purifies their soul and paves their way to heaven.


1.) Where is Dwarka situated geographically in India?

2.) Why do people go to Dwarka?

3.) What is people’s belief about the pilgrimage to Dwarka?

4.) Find out the words similar in meaning to: (a) destroyed (b) sunk.

Comprehension Passage Test 03

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below them: 

           Soloman the king of the Jews was famous all over the world for his wealth and wisdom. His fame reached the wise Queen of Sheba and she made a long journey to Jerusalem to test his wisdom. The queen of Sheba had heard that Soloman was very clever in reading riddles and solving problems. She made up her mind it test his wisdom. One day, when Soloman was sitting in his court she came in with two garlands of beautiful flowers, which looked alike. Standing a little away from the king, she held them up and said “One of these is made of artificial flowers and the other is real flowers”. Tell me which is which. “The king gazed at the garlands for some time and shouted, “Open the window”. The window was flung open, bees from the garden entered the room, buzzed round the Queen and flew about the garland held in the right hand. Then Soloman shouted with rapture, “The flowers in the right hand are real”.


1.) Why did the wise Queen of Sheba make a long journey?

2.) What test did the Queen of Sheba set for king Soloman?

3.) How did the king solve the riddle?

4.) Find out the words similar in meaning to: (a) great joy (b) noise that an insect makes while flying.

Thursday 4 August 2016

Comprehension Passage Test 02

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below them: 

               Once a man went to the zoo and thought he would have some fun by teasing one of the elephants. He held up a bun to an elephant, but as soon as the elephant tried to reach it with his trunk, he pulled it away. The elephant took this calmly at first, but got angry as the trick was repeated. However he did not show his anger. Soon after this the elephant was allowed to come out of the cage to take his usual walk on the grounds of the zoo. Suddenly he saw the man who had teased him. He walked up to the man and took away his straw hat. He held it in his trunk for some time and then offered it to its owner. But as soon as the man tried to take it, the elephant quickly pulled it back again. After doing this for some time, the elephant put it into his mouth, swallowed it and walked away quietly. Thus the man was left bare-headed among the crowd who laughed loudly at the way the elephant had so cleverly punished him.


1.) Why did the man want to tease the elephant? How did he do it?

2.) When did the elephant get angry?

3.) How did the elephant punish the young man?

4.) Find out the words similar in meaning to: (a) necked (b) without making noise.

Comprehension Passage Test 01

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below them: 

               A smart young man visited the office of a big business firm for a job. The manager said, “I am sorry. There is no vacancy of a clerk here.” The young man was disappointed and turned to leave. As he was passing out of the doo-way, he saw a pin lying near it. He picked it up. The manager saw this and was deeply impressed by the young man’s tidiness and attention to small matters. He called the young man back and appointed him clerk in the office. Soon however, the firm suffered heavy loss, but the young man succeeded in overcoming the difficulty with his economy and hard work. The firm appreciated his valuable services and promoted him to the rank of the manager.


1.) Which qualities of the young man impressed the manager?

2.) Why did the manager call the young man back?

3.) How could the young man manager to overcome the heavy loss suffered by the company? What appreciation did he get for it?

4.) Find out the words similar in meaning to: (a) raised (b) did not fail.

Monday 1 August 2016

Letter writing in English language

One of your friends is very poor. He is very clever but is in no position to carry on his studies as he has no money to buy books and pay fees. Write a letter to your father asking for help for him….
Points: (What is his condition? – Is he helpful to you? – Does he really need help? – Does he deserve it? – Is the help badly needed?)
June 8, 2016
38, Spring Field,
Near Lad Society,

Dear Father,
  I am extremely sorry not to reply any of your three letter. These days I am busy preparing for the first test. But today I am writing you this letter for a special purpose.
  I have a good friend named Nandu. He is very clever. He is always stands first in our class. He helps me a lot in my studies. He is very ambitious. He has a great desire to become an engineer but his condition is very poor. His father is a postman. These are six members is his family. The teacher asks him for his fees very strictly. He feels very much ashamed. He cannot buy even books and notebooks. He has to give up his studies I feel great pity for him. Can we be of any help to him? If you think so, please send me some money soon so that he can pay his fees and buy his books. He will be very much obliged to you if he gets this timely help. I hope my dear papa will not refuse this proposal.
  My best regards to you and dear mummy. Does Nisarg remember me? Tell him to drop me a letter.
Yours thankfully,

1) Write a letter to your friend what you intend to do in summer vacation.
Points: (Period of vacation – where to go? – How long to stay? – hill station with friends – how you will enjoy?)

2) Write a letter to your elder brother telling him why the result of your terminal examination is poor.
Points: (What happened at the time of your examination? – now was your preparation?)

3) Write a letter to your father how your school celebrated 50th anniversary of independence.
Points: (Day – date – activities – decoration in the school – rally – lectures about anniversary – your feelings)

4) Write a letter to your father about your kind act of service.
Points: (What is your kind act? – Whim did you help? How? – Whose help did you take? – How were you praised and how did you feel?)

5) Write a letter to your youngest brother who has failed in his first term examination.
Points: (He has failed in one subject – Advise him to work hard and regularly – He must keep the company of clever students – Advise him not to worry)

6) Write a letter to your friend Vikram telling him how you collected relief funds in your society for flood affected area.
Points: (How did you from a letter fund committee? – Who became your committee chair person? – How did you collect funds? – To whom was the amount so collected sent?)

7) Meena, from ‘Sahkar’ Ram Park, Sama Road, Mumbai, writes a letter to her friend, Sonia about her Plan to visit Lakshadweep Islands after S.S.C. Examination.
Points: (Time – her company – days – by air – natural scenes – people – water – sports – Imagine that you are Vimal Patel, Resident of M.G. Road, Subhash Society, Jamnagar)

8) Write a letter to your pen friend in America describing to him how you become an expert cycle repairer at an early age.
Points: (Inspiration and help from the parents – buying a handbook and necessary tools – getting mastery over the skill soon – attending the customers – popularity job besides study)